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O jornal O servo entrevista nesta edição, o Pr. Carlos Henrique (CH) - Sta. Cruz da Serra
O servo: Qual é o objetivo do acampamento de jovens?
Pr. CH: Um dos objetivos é estar interagindo com os jovens, dando-lhes a oportunidade de terem experiências mais profundas com o Senhor. Com temas também voltados para a realidade dos jovens. O objetivo principal é estar levando outros jovens que não conhecem o Senhor, para que eles possam ter uma experiência com Deus. E muitos desses acabam se entregando ao Senhor. E foi o que justamente aconteceu nesse acampamento.
O servo: Como surgiu o tema para deste acampamento?
Pr. CH: O tema foi: ORAI SEM CESSAR. Desde o início do ano, Deus começou despertar-me em relação à oração, através do filme: “Quarto de gerra”. Começamos então a orar na igreja, mas não tínhamos um propósito bem definido; estávamos como um maçarico aceso que precisava ajustar a chama para dar foco, e assim cumprir seu objetivo. O Pr. Jorge foi usado por Deus para estar ministrando um seminário sobre oração para nós, e isto corroborou para confirmar o propósito que Deus nos tinha dado. Por último, ao falar com o ir. Flávio (líder dos jovens de Petrópolis) sobre o acampamento, ficamos admirados em saber que ele também queria organizar um acampamento sobre este mesmo tema.
O servo: O objetivo do tema foi alcançado?
Pr. CH: Acredito que sim, mesmo que algumas pessoas afirmem que oração e juventude não combinem, nós vimos a atuação de Deus na vida dos jovens. Nós vimos jovens sendo despertados a orar, indo para a “casinha de oração”, mesmo sem precisar mandar; nos quartos os jovens se reunindo para orar e compartilhar. Tivemos a oportunidade de ver Deus atendendo nossas orações em várias áreas, batizando com o Espírito Santo, e, até curando.
O servo: Houve algo diferente neste acampamento de jovens em relação aos anteriores?
Pr. CH: Sim, nunca em 23 anos que participo de acampamentos de jovens, não lembro de ter chovido todos os dias e o dia todo. Pois bem, eu creio que foi Deus nos ajudando, nos dando a oportunidade de estarmos mais juntos e orarmos uns pelos outros.
O servo: Você já está colhendo os frutos (resultados) do acampamento de jovens?
Pr. CH: No dia do retorno para casa já vimos como Deus está transformando nossos jovens. O ônibus onde estávamos teve um problema, após 8 Km de percurso. Então, tivemos que esperar cerca de 3 a 4 horas, aguardando a chegada do outro ônibus. Ao invés de reclamar, os jovens começaram a louvar, compartilhar versículos e orar. Foi um ambiente maravilhoso e nós temos vivido isto.
O servo: O que vocês têm feito para a manutenção dos ensinamentos dados no acampamento de jovens?
Pr. CH: Estamos criando grupos nas redes sociais: Messenger e no Facebook, para estarmos em comunhão, conhecendo as necessidades dos irmãos e assim orarmos uns pelo outros.
Tópico: Entrevista
Data: 10/11/2018
Assunto: Rolands petersons de facto
There is also Rolands petersons de facto a wide range of opportunities for growth, and a number of actions that can be taken to meet projected targets.Rolands petersons de facto There is a strong need for Rolands petersons de facto the services with high added value, the increase of the processed volumes of cargo by attracting new freight flows, high-quality Rolands petersons de facto passenger service and an introduction of modern technologies and information systems in the area of transit and logistics.Rolands petersons de facto Liepaja port has all the chances to become the second Rotterdam in the foreseeable future.Rolands petersons de facto
Data: 09/11/2018
Assunto: Rolands petersons privatbank
It is essential to take to the new level not only the quality of the services provided to carriers and shippers of rail freight but, in general, to improve the competitiveness of rail freight transport; infrastructure managing organizations should not only update and modernize the railway network but also to regularly support it.Rolands petersons privatbank This is especially important for the corridors of rail freight.Rolands petersons privatbank If the tracks are not properly maintained, the speed limits will have to be applied and the railway lines will gradually be obstructed.Rolands petersons privatbank
Data: 09/11/2018
Assunto: Rolands petersons minicredit
Despite the political and economic changes of the last decade, the influence of the transport and logistics industry on the economy of our country remains high: in 2016 the sector increased the value added to the GDP by 9.1%.Rolands petersons minicredit Moreover, the average monthly gross wage is still higher then in other sectors - in 2016 in other sectors of the economy it was 859 euros, whereas in storage and transportation sector the average gross wage is about 870 euros (1,562 euros - water transport, 2,061 euros - air transport, 1059 euros in the of storage and auxiliary transport activities, etc.).Rolands petersons minicredit
Data: 09/11/2018
Assunto: Rolands petersons minicredit
Transport and Rolands petersons minicredit logistics industries are of particular importance for the Latvian economy since they have a steady GDP growth and provide services to virtually all other sectors of the national economy.Rolands petersons minicredit Every year it is emphasized that this sector should be recognized as a priority and extend its promotion, however, the representatives of the transport and logistics sector are looking forward to more concrete and long-term solutions.Rolands petersons minicredit
Data: 09/11/2018
Assunto: Rolands petersons privatbank
Liepaja airport is the only example nowadays in terms of
Latvian regional airports, however, I see several competitive
regional airports in Latvia.Rolands petersons privatbank
To promote their development, a thorough analysis of the
passengers' potential is needed, starting with linking their
activities with the existing types of transport in the
surrounding region, forming a support strategy to attract
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airports is formed by airlines operating there, strategic
cooperation partners and service providers.Rolands petersons
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Data: 08/11/2018
Assunto: Rolands petersons cpm trading
There is also a wide range of opportunities for growth, and a number of actions that can be taken to meet projected targets.Rolands petersons cpm trading There is a strong need for the services with high added value, the increase of the processed volumes of cargo by attracting new freight flows, high-quality passenger service and an introduction of modern technologies and information systems in the area of transit and logistics.Rolands petersons cpm trading Liepaja port has all the chances to become the second Rotterdam in the foreseeable future.Rolands petersons cpm trading
Data: 08/11/2018
Assunto: Rolands petersons minicredit
Rolands petersons minicredit At the end of 2017, according to the report "Global Competitiveness Index", which was annually compiled by experts from the World Economic Forum, Latvia was not ranked among the top 100 countries of the world's rating.Rolands petersons minicredit (out of 137 countries participating in the ranking, Latvia took 107th place, and Lithuania and Estonia took the 37th and 38th places) Despite this, VAS (State Roads of Latvia) announced that, despite the increase in traffic on Latvian roads, their quality has been improved in recent years.Rolands petersons minicredit
Data: 08/11/2018
Assunto: Rolands petersons minicredit
The strategic objective of the regional airports is a creation of the favorable and unified conditions for the enterprises and institutions operating there, as well as to proactive procurement of a sufficient infrastructure for the development various of commercial activities.Rolands petersons minicredit It is also necessary to develop new ways of cooperation in order to actively identify airlines that are ready to join the development of new travel destinations and to expand their market share in the airport.Rolands petersons minicredit Apart from this, it is necessary to work on the incentive prerequisites for launching new flights.Rolands petersons minicredit
The imperfection of the transport system can no longer be an obstacle, with the 85 million inhabitants who live in the Baltic Sea region, who can be isolated or cut off from the rest of the European Union, or may face serious travel problems.Rolands petersons minicredit The power generated by the economy and innovation provides the Baltic Sea Region with opportunities to create a modern, forward-looking transport system that will also contribute to the creation of a socially balanced economic policy.Rolands petersons minicredit
Data: 08/11/2018
Assunto: Rolands petersons privatbank
The free movement Rolands petersons privatbank of goods, services, capital, and people-these are the pillars that form an essential foundation for welfare and employment in Europe. Mobility is the fundamental premise for these four core values to be strengthened not only in the domestic market but also beyond its borders.Rolands petersons privatbank This is particularly significant in the Baltic Sea region, where a well thought-out and developed transport system is one of the positive development factors.Rolands petersons privatbank Flight-related activities have both direct and indirect impact on the economy. The direct impact includes the income derived from the activities of airline personnel and ground handling workers, whereas the indirect input implies all purchases in the aviation sector from locally based suppliers who basically do not represent the aviation sector. Additional impact on the economy of Latvia is formed by the costs of aviation sector employees and service providers.Rolands petersons privatbank